Comienza la renovación de la infraestructura de agua en East Los Angeles
Cal Water dio inicio a un proyecto de mejora de infraestructura crítica en East Los Angeles, cerca del límite con el sur de Montebello, que garantizará que los clientes y bomberos de la zona sigan teniendo el agua que necesitan tanto para sus necesidades diarias como para las de emergencia.
The project, expected to be completed by August, includes the installation of 5,500 feet of new 8-inch, PVC water main and 102 individual customer service connections. Crews will also replace six fire hydrants to improve access for firefighters. Installation will take place on:
- Southside Drive, from Coolidge Way to Server Avenue
- Hanover Avenue, between Westside Drive and Saybrook Avenue
- Gloucester Street, between Fairfield Street and Hanover Avenue
"These improvements will benefit East Los Angeles residents for years to come by protecting against leaks and ensuring we can continue to provide safe and reliable water service. Firefighters will also benefit from new hydrants, which will enhance their ability to protect the community in an emergency," said Jim Crawford, District Manager. "This proactive upgrade is just one example of our ongoing promise to deliver quality, service, and value to our customers."
Work is being performed Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., and crews are making every effort to minimize any related traffic delays. Following installation, crews will flush the water main and test water quality samples before connecting individual customer service connections to the new main. All streets, sod, and landscaping impacted by the construction will be restored to as close to the previous condition as possible.