Cal Water news release

Se completó el proyecto de mejora de la infraestructura en Salinas

Cal Water completó el proyecto de reemplazo de la tubería principal en el norte de Salinas que fortalecerá la confiabilidad en el sistema de agua y la resistencia de la infraestructura para las necesidades diarias de los clientes y las necesidades de emergencia de los bomberos.

El proyecto incluyó la instalación de aproximadamente 2,600 pies de una nueva tubería principal de 8 pulgadas. Crews also replaced six fire hydrants and 64 individual customer service connections. Installation took place on:

  • Rosarita Drive, from East Bernal Road to St. Brendan Street
  • Sorrentini Street, from Natividad Road to Granada Avenue
  • St. Francis Way, from Rosarita Drive to Sorrentini Street

“Our crews are committed to ensuring that a reliable supply of safe, clean water remains accessible both to Salinas residents for their household needs and for the emergency needs of first responders,” said Interim District Manager Marc Bloom. “We thank our customers and neighbors for their patience during construction as we worked to improve the water system-improvements that will benefit them for decades to come.”