Cal Water elige a Tavis Beynon como gerente de distrito
Cal Water ha seleccionado a Tavis Beynon para dirigir sus distritos Marysville, Redwood Valley y Willows como nuevo gerente de distrito. Evan Markey, que anteriormente ocupaba este puesto, ahora supervisa el distrito Chico de la compañía.
Beynon started his Cal Water career in July 2002 in Chico and has more than 20 years of water utility experience. Beynon has held numerous jobs during his Cal Water career in the Chico, Redwood Valley, and Willows Districts, including Temporary Laborer, Operation Maintenance Worker, Serviceperson, Foreman, Meter Reader, Certified Pump Operator-Storekeeper, Inspector, Cross-Connection Control Specialist, Superintendent, Acting Local Manager, and Operations Manager. Beynon holds Water Treatment Grade Two and Water Distribution Grade Four certifications from the State Water Resources Control Board.
"Tavis is intimately familiar with operations in the north state and will serve our communities well," Director of Northern Field Operations Dan Armendariz said. "I am confident these service areas will thrive with Tavis at the reigns and that our customers will continue to receive the quality, service, and value they have come to expect with Cal Water."