La instalación de la nueva tubería principal comenzará en Main Street en Visalia
Cal Water iniciará obras de mejora de infraestructura del servicio de agua el domingo por la noche en el centro de Visalia como parte del compromiso de garantizar la seguridad y confiabilidad de la infraestructura fundamental. La mejora garantizará que los clientes y bomberos continúen teniendo el agua que necesitan tanto para sus necesidades diarias como las de emergencia.
The utility plans to replace 2,200 feet of aging 10-inch steel main with 12-inch ductile iron water main, as the existing main was installed approximately 70 years ago and is nearing the end of its useful life. The increase in main diameter will also allow for increased water flow. Additionally, the utility plans to replace six fire hydrants and 63 existing customer service connections. Installation will take place on Main Street, from Garden to Willis streets, with minor work on side streets to connect to the new water main. The project is expected to be completed in August.
"This important infrastructure upgrade will enable us to keep delivering the reliable supply of safe, high-quality water that Visalia businesses count on to serve their customers," said District Manager Steve Johnson. "We have partnered with the City to ensure the work is as least disruptive as possible to these businesses, have modified traditional construction hours to reduce the work's impact, and will stay in regular communication with those impacted, so they know what to expect as we strengthen the local water system."
Crews will make every effort to minimize traffic delays during construction, which will be performed Sunday through Thursday between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m. Crews will also minimize any temporary service interruptions, so that residents continue to have the water they need during this time. Customers will be notified in advance of any planned, temporary shutdowns.
After installation, crews will conduct water quality testing before connecting existing customer service lines to the new water main. Crews will also restore all streets, sod, and landscaping impacted by the construction.