Cal Water news release

Satisfacer la demanda sin distribución del sistema State Water Project

el Acueducto de California en Palmdale (foto de DWR)Es posible que los clientes de Cal Water hayan escuchado que el sistema State Water Project anunció recientemente una distribución del cero por ciento a los proveedores de agua, y se pregunten cómo afecta esto su suministro de agua local. Varios de nuestros distritos utilizan agua del sistema State Water Project como una de sus fuentes de suministro. In our planning process, we worked through a scenario of a zero-percent allocation from the State Water Project. That is why we implemented Stage 1 of our Water Shortage Contingency Plan in July, and why we applied for activation of Stage 2 in specific districts in October.

As part of our drought management planning, we are working collaboratively with other agencies and our wholesale suppliers to identify all available water supplies. In areas where we also utilize groundwater, we are working to maximize our ability to use our groundwater wells by assessing our facilities and performing proactive maintenance and upgrades where needed.

We constantly monitor and evaluate local water supply conditions, and will take any additional steps needed to ensure our customers continue to have a reliable water supply, both during the drought and in future years. Part of these efforts include helping our customers conserve water. We thank our customers for all of their efforts and encourage them to take advantage of our robust water conservation programs, which we've expanded to help them save more water every day. Customers can visit the conservation page for information on all of the programs available to support them, additional resources, and a full list of prohibited uses of water.