El grupo diversifica sus donaciones y aumenta su apoyo en 2021
Como parte de su compromiso de mejorar la calidad de vida en las comunidades a las que brinda servicio, California Water Service Group (el "Grupo") y sus subsidiarias donaron $2.19 millones a organizaciones comunitarias, personal de auxilio y estudiantes en 2021. Las contribuciones del año pasado superaron las donaciones benéficas y donaciones comunitarias de 2020 en aproximadamente medio millón de dólares.
In 2021, Group allocated 38% of its community giving efforts supported at-risk, underserved, and disadvantaged communities. An additional 11% went to community improvement efforts across the utility's service areas, and 10% for environmental sustainability initiatives. The remainder of the donations went to various initiatives, such as education and youth programs, support for veterans, animal welfare, and healthcare. Group's donations also included $90,000 in college scholarships to help students achieve their educational pursuits.
Among the contributions, Group bestowed gifts of $200,000 each to the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Foundation, to provide youth education outreach programs in conservation and wildlife protection; the Chico Housing Action Team, to cover the costs of all water-related components of a new tiny house village; and the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Sacramento, to provide for a STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) lab and program at the Club's South Stockton locations. According to President and CEO Martin A. Kropelnicki, Group wanted to make concentrated, large donations to increase the impact these organizations could make for those in need.
To help support charities close to employees' hearts, Group also introduced an employee charitable donation-matching program, in which contributions to non-profit organizations would be matched up to $250 per employee per calendar year. Employees and the utility gave a total of $14,200 since the program's introduction in September 2021.
"At California Water Service Group, we have always had a heart for doing the right thing and giving back to the communities we serve," Kropelnicki said. "Last year, we looked for opportunities in which our contributions could make the largest impact for those in need, that support causes important to our team members, and that enable us to keep improving the quality of life for our local communities."
All contributions are part of the Group's philanthropic giving program and do not affect customers' rates.