Alertas de Cal Water

Novedades de infraestructura hídrica en Salinas

Cal Water ha finalizado las obras de mejora de infraestructura para mejorar la confiabilidad del sistema de suministro de agua y protección contra incendios en Salinas, y ya dio inicio a su próximo proyecto de mejora. Cal Water recently installed 1,590 feet of new water main, including three fire hydrants on West Street, and is now working to install 3,764 feet of new water main and eight fire hydrants on Pajaro Street, from Romie Lane to Maple Street, south of the downtown area.

“Infrastructure improvements like these ensure that Cal Water maintains a reliable water supply for both everyday and emergency needs in our community,” said Brenda Granillo, Cal Water's Salinas District Manager.

Installation of the project on Pajaro Street is expected to be complete in May. The majority of the work will be performed between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday; however, some work may be performed at night or during the weekends to help alleviate traffic issues.

"We will make every effort to minimize traffic delays during construction, and we will notify customers in advance of those instances when after-hours work is needed," said Granillo, noting that customers can visit to ensure that their contact information is up to date, along with their preferences on how they would like to be notified. Temporary asphalt will be applied until permanent paving is completed.

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