Propuesta para invertir $1.02 mil millones entre 2022 y 2024
Como parte de su compromiso de brindar un suministro confiable de agua segura y limpia y servicio asequible a las comunidades a las que presta servicios, Cal Water presentó ayer sus planes de mejora de la infraestructura 2022-2024 para todos sus distritos de California incluidos en la presentación de su plan de tarifa general (GRC) ante la Comisión de Servicios Públicos de California (CPUC). The proposal also contains proposed new rate designs, which seek to balance revenue stability with reduced customer impacts, especially for low-income and water-saving customers. The CPUC will analyze the infrastructure improvement plans, operating budget proposals, and rate designs to establish water rates that reflect the actual cost of service, effective no earlier than January 2023.
Cal Water proposes to invest $1.02 billion over the period of 2022-2024. Included in the proposal are $913.1 million of newly proposed capital investments along with continued funding for capital projects begun in 2021 or earlier. Almost half of Cal Water's proposed new infrastructure improvements are to replace aging water pipelines, which will enhance reliability and augment water supplies to support customers' and firefighters' needs. The plans also include, among others, upgrades to withstand power outages and Public Safety Power Shutoff events, protect customers from known and emerging water contaminants, and expand water supplies to ensure sustainability and wildfire hardening. The cost of these upgrades are expected to be offset by the utility's continuing refinements to its operating model to improve service and reduce costs.
In another part of the filing, Cal Water proposed rate design changes that would improve revenue stability but provide a discounted unit rate to the first six units of water per month (approximately 150 gallons per day) for residential customers. In the proposal, this block of usage would be charged at 25% of the average rate. The CPUC has recognized this six-unit block as essential for basic needs.
"We remain steadfast in our commitment to protect our customers, and we have prepared these multi-year, proactive infrastructure improvement plans to ensure customers continue to have safe, clean water and reliable service, both during normal and drought years," said Martin A. Kropelnicki, President and CEO. "Additionally, our proposed rate design returns us to a reasonable amount of revenue stability without the Water Revenue Adjustment Mechanism, while offering customers discounted volumetric charges for lifeline needs. We won't cut corners on our customers' health and safety, and we are committed to doing everything we can to maintain affordability and provide quality, service, and value."
The required filing begins an approximately 18-month review process by the CPUC, an independent state agency, during which it determines approved projects and sets rates for the following three years. Any changes in customer rates would become effective no sooner than January 2023 . Cal Water has proposed to the CPUC to increase revenues by $80.5 million , or 11.1%, in 2023; $43.6 million , or 5.4%, in 2024; and $43.2 million , or 5.1%, in 2025 to support these investments. If approved as filed, this would cost the average residential customer less than an additional $5 per month in all of Cal Water's service areas.
Este comunicado de prensa incluye declaraciones prospectivas en concordancia con lo establecido por la Ley de Reforma de Litigios sobre Valores Privados de 1995 ("La Ley"). Tales declaraciones intentan tener la protección de lo dispuesto por las leyes de valores federales para los principios de "puerto seguro" establecidos por esta Ley. Dichas declaraciones se basan en información actualmente disponible, expectativas, estimaciones, presunciones y proyecciones y criterios de manejo sobre la Compañía, la industria de servicios públicos del agua y las condiciones económicas generales. Tales palabras como podría, espera, pretende, planea, cree, estima, asume, anticipa, proyecta, predice, pronostica o variaciones de dichas palabras o expresiones similares tienen la intención de identificar a las declaraciones prospectivas. Las declaraciones prospectivas no son garantías de acciones futuras. Las mismas están sujetas a los cambios e incertidumbre de las circunstancias. Los resultados reales pueden variar materialmente del contenido de las declaraciones prospectivas. Factors that may cause a result different than expected or anticipated include, but are not limited to: natural disasters, public health crises, pandemics, epidemics or outbreaks of a contagious disease, such as the outbreak of coronavirus (or COVID‐19), governmental and regulatory commissions' decisions, including decisions on our GRC and on proper disposition of property; consequences of eminent domain actions relating to our water systems; changes in regulatory commissions' policies and procedures; the timeliness of regulatory commissions' actions concerning rate relief and other actions; changes in water quality standards; changes in environmental compliance and water quality requirements; electric power interruptions; housing and customer growth trends; the impact of opposition to rate increases; our ability to recover costs; availability of water supplies; issues with the implementation, maintenance or security of our information technology systems; civil disturbances or terrorist threats or acts; the adequacy of our efforts to mitigate physical and cyber security risks and threats; the ability of our enterprise risk management processes to identify or address risks adequately; labor relations matters as we negotiate with unions; changes in customer water use patterns and the effects of conservation; the impact of weather, climate, natural disasters, and diseases on water quality, water availability, water sales and operating results, and the adequacy of our emergency preparedness; and, other risks and unforeseen events. Al considerar las declaraciones prospectivas, usted debe tener en cuenta las declaraciones preventivas que se incluyen en este párrafo, al igual que el informe anual 10-K, el informe trimestral 10-Q y otros informes presentados ocasionalmente ante la Comisión de Valores y Bolsa (SEC, siglas en inglés). La Compañía no asume ninguna obligación de proporcionar actualizaciones de las declaraciones prospectivas por medios públicos.