Prepared for Drought Emergency and Governor's Call
Luego de que ayer el Gobernador Gavin Newsom ampliara la declaración de emergencia por sequía en California, el día de hoy Cal Water confirmó que está preparada para responder a la emergencia de la sequía y reafirmó su compromiso de ayudar a los clientes a responder a la solicitud del gobernador de conservar el agua en todo el estado.
"We partnered with customers to achieve impressive water savings during the last drought, and we are prepared to do the same this time around," said Martin A. Kropelnicki, President and CEO. "We have invested in our infrastructure and taken action to increase water supply reliability in our service areas. Now, we are offering even more support for customers who want to reduce their water use as we face increasingly serious drought conditions."
Cal Water offers:
• Rebates on high-efficiency appliances and devices, with certain rebates recently doubled
• A smart landscape tune-up program that includes an irrigation system evaluation along with installation of efficient devices and repair of most irrigation leaks at no cost to customers
• A free conservation kit that includes a garden hose nozzle with shutoff valve, high-efficiency showerheads, faucet aerators, and more
• Educational resources
Cal Water is also preparing to launch a drip system conversion rebate this summer and relaunch its turf replacement program, created during the last historic drought.
Additionally, Cal Water reminds customers to continue observing the prohibited uses of water that continue to be in effect. Las actividades en las que se derrocha agua son, entre otras:
• Using water on outdoor landscaping that causes runoff onto adjacent properties or paved areas
• Using a hose to wash vehicles unless the hose has a shutoff nozzle or similar device
• Not repairing leaks within five days of notification
• Irrigating outdoors between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m., unless local ordinances state otherwise
• Using water in a fountain or other decorative water feature, except where part of a recirculating system
Customers can visit the conservation page for details on its conservation program along with a full list of prohibited uses of water. In June 2021, the utility filed its updated Water Shortage Contingency Plan with the California Public Utilities Commission, which included penalties for violating prohibited uses of water. Cal Water will continue monitoring local conditions in each of its districts and implement any additional actions based on ongoing supply and demand assessments, according to Kropelnicki.