Donaciones por Acción de Gracias en Salinas y King City
To support struggling families with Thanksgiving meals and essential services, Cal Water partnered with local legislators and charitable organizations today for the utility's annual Operation Gobble program. Cal Water donated $13,500 and an additional $8,500 in Butterball turkey gift certificates to organizations and those in need in the Salinas Valley area.
“Every year, we are very intentional with how we can make the biggest impact for those who are struggling, and this year we have continued our Operation Gobble efforts with local organizations who leverage every donation to support individuals and families who depend on their services,” said District Manager Brenda Granillo.
"We are thrilled to continue our partnership with Cal Water in the spirit of giving to our local nonprofits that serve Salinas. Holidays can be really hard for families struggling to get by; this helps ease the burden a bit," said Salinas Mayor Kimbley Craig.
“At this time of year, as we all give thanks for the blessings and bounty in our life, Cal Water's Operation Gobble makes sure that those in need in our community don't go without,” said Supervisor Lopez. I continue to be thankful for their programs and contributions that lift up our neighbors year round and during the holidays.”
Salinas Mayor Kimbley Craig along with delegates for Assemblymember Robert Rivas, State Senator Anna Caballero, and Monterey County Supervisor Chris Lopez, assisted with the distribution. Donations were also presented to the Food Bank of Monterey County, Sun Street Center, LULAC #2995, The Boys and Girls Club of Monterey County, Salvation Army of Salinas and King City, Dorothy's Place, and Loaves & Fishes.
According to Granillo, Operation Gobble donations come from the utility's philanthropic giving program, not from water rates.