Posted: March 28, 2023
En abril, Cal Water, la ciudad de Thousand Oaks y California American Water volverán a respetar el cronograma de riego de dos días por semana para jardines exteriores, después de un periodo invernal en el cual las tormentas permitieron flexibilizar las medidas por escasez de agua. This comes after Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD) lifted emergency water restrictions for the area recently; those restrictions had been in effect since June 1, 2022.
Beginning April 1, residents may water on the following days as outlined below, between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. (excluding California American Water's El Rio customers):
- Domicilios que terminan en número impar: miércoles y sábado
- Addresses ending in an even number: Wednesday and Sunday
Even though irrigating is allowed twice per week, please confirm water is needed before turning on the sprinklers, representatives from all three suppliers say. With all of the local rain and cooler weather so far this season, irrigation will likely not be necessary for at least another four weeks. Watering during or for 48 hours following measurable rainfall (1/4 inch) is still prohibited.
“We encourage our residents and businesses to take advantage of the cooler weather and high amount of local rain this year to plant regionally appropriate California natives now for a sustainable year-round landscape that will survive future, highly variable water supply conditions,” said Cliff Finley, City of Thousand Oaks Public Works Director.
"We thank our customers for their conservation efforts over the past year and ask that they continue to be mindful of their water use," said Doug Varney, Cal Water's Westlake District Manager. "We appreciate this wet winter, yet also recognize that climate change and increasingly severe droughts will continue to impact our water supply. While we continue to take steps to ensure a reliable, future water supply, customers' conservation efforts are equally important, so we urge them to keep using water wisely."
"California American Water acknowledges and sends a big thank you to our Ventura County customers for their great work conserving water. Overall, customers decreased water use by about 17 percent the past two years," said Jessica Taylor, California American Water Director of Operations. "Even with recent wet weather, it's essential all water users continue to be mindful of water usage."
The water suppliers all have conservation programs, rebates, and water-saving devices to help their customers save water. More information can be found at each supplier's web site at:
- Cal Water: Our Conservation page
- City of Thousand Oaks:
- California American Water: