Obras de mejora de la infraestructura en Westlake
Cal Water ha comenzado dos actualizaciones de infraestructura de agua para mejorar la confiabilidad en el suministro de agua y la protección contra incendios en todo el distrito de Westlake. Los dos proyectos incluyen la instalación de un 2,250 pies combinados de nueva tubería principal de agua y cuatro nuevas bocas de incendio, cuya finalización está prevista para octubre de 2023.
Residents may notice work in the following areas from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on weekdays:
- From Valley Spring Drive to Kingston Circle
- From Bridgewood Lane to Stone River Court
"These improvements help Cal Water maintain a reliable water supply for both everyday and emergency needs, while also preventing water loss from aging pipes," said Doug Varney, District Manager. "We appreciate our customers, neighbors, and motorists for their patience as we complete these important projects that will benefit their area for decades to come."
The upgrades are part of Cal Water's Main Replacement Program, which was implemented in 2014 to proactively replace aging infrastructure, while maximizing the existing infrastructure's life. The Westlake District has 115 miles of main, and on average, the district replaces 1,400 feet of main per year.
Cal Water appreciates the cooperation of multiple agencies in helping them carry out these improvements, including County Pipeline, the general contractor performing these projects.