Alertas de Cal Water

Las actualizaciones de infraestructura comienzan en Visalia

Cal Water comenzó esta semana una renovación en la infraestructura de agua que mejorará la confiabilidad del suministro de agua y la protección contra incendios en el centro de la ciudad Visalia. Crews are installing 2,100 feet of new 8-inch water main on Acequia Avenue, from Bridge to Clark streets.

“Infrastructure improvements like this help Cal Water maintain a reliable water supply for both customers' everyday needs and firefighters' emergency needs, while also preventing water loss from aging pipes,” said Stephen Johnson, District Manager.

The project is part of Cal Water's efforts to continually modernize and upgrade its water system to better serve customers. In Visalia, Cal Water has 590 miles of main and replaces approximately 7,000 feet of main per year.

The downtown main replacement is expected to last three months, and work will be performed initially at night from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. with a full road closure in the immediate construction area. After several weeks, work will transition to daytime from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. with traffic control in place for motorists.

“We will make every effort to minimize traffic delays during construction, and we will notify customers in advance in instances when after-hours work may be needed,” said Johnson, noting that customers can visit to confirm that their contact information is up to date, along with their preferences on how they would like to be notified.

Temporary asphalt will be applied until permanent paving is completed, which can be up to 30 days after project completion.

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