Alertas de Cal Water

Ganadores del concurso de arte Splash of Creativity

Cal Water announced the winners of its annual Splash of Creativity art competition, part of the Tap Into Learning environmental education program, today. The competition celebrates students' creative contributions toward water conservation and awareness, and is one of Cal Water's many efforts to increase attention on California water issues.

The nine winning submissions were carefully, and thoughtfully, created by student artists attending grades K-12 within Cal Water service areas across the state. Using crayons, markers, colored pencils, and even paint, students showed others the importance of water conservation. Splash of Creativity, formerly known as the H2O Challenge's Individual Challenge, is designed to foster a deeper understanding of water issues while offering students an opportunity to gain recognition for their artistic talents.

The winners of this year's competition are:

Grades 3-5

  • Grand Prize in Art: Clara Pechkis, Chico-Save Water, Save the Otters (Parkview Elementary)
  • Excellence in Art: Tlalli Correa, Chico-Rainfall (Parkview Elementary)
  • Special Recognition: Anelly Limon, Stockton-Save Water (Hoover Elementary)
  • Honorable Mention: Marielly Nava, Chico-Every Drop Counts (Parkview Elementary)

Grades 6-8

  • Grand Prize in Art: Tiffany Alonso, Los Angeles-Inside or Out Water is Important (Brooklyn Avenue School)
  • Excellence in Art: Arabella Vallejo, Los Angeles-Save Water, Save Our Planet Eye (Brooklyn Avenue School)
  • Special Recognition: Mia Mendoza, Los Angeles-The Lonely Ocean (Brooklyn Avenue School)
  • Honorable Mention: Valeria Carmona-Salazar, Los Angeles-Help Save the Ocean Life (Brooklyn Avenue School)

Grades 9-12

  • Grand Prize in Art: Jodie Cheng, Torrance-Life's Sustenance (West High School)

"We are thrilled to see such a high level of creativity and dedication from students across California," said Ken Jenkins, Cal Water's Chief Water Resource Sustainability Officer. "The artwork submitted this year showcases the passion and commitment of our young artists to preserving and valuing our water resources."

The Tap Into Learning program, a collaboration between Cal Water and DoGoodery, continues to engage students through various educational activities, including Aqua Adventures, Water Smart Grants, and the H2Oath initiative. For more information about the Tap Into Learning program, visit

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