Posted: November 12, 2024
Para ayudar a las familias que lo necesitan con comida y servicios esenciales en el Día de Acción de Gracias, Cal Water se asoció con legisladores y organizaciones benéficas locales el miércoles, 6 de noviembre para la distribución anual de Operation Gobble del servicio público. Cal Water donated $12,000 and partnered with others to provide an additional $8,600 in Butterball turkey gift certificates to organizations helping those in need in the Salinas Valley area.
“Every year, Operation Gobble allows us to make a big impact for those who are struggling, by giving to these organizations that get the most out of every donation to support individuals and families who depend on their services,” said Brenda Granillo, Salinas District Manager.
This is Cal Water's 35th year distributing turkeys or turkey gift certificates as part of Operation Gobble. While Cal Water is an integral part of the Salinas Valley community year-round, the holidays are an especially important time for the utility to help those in need. It's one of the reasons it began working with local legislators and non-profit organizations to help provide Thanksgiving meals to so many as an important part of the utility's philanthropic commitment.
"It's another great year continuing our partnership with Cal Water in the spirit of giving. We are also grateful to our local nonprofits that work to ensure that our struggling families are able to celebrate Thanksgiving," said Salinas Mayor Kimbley Craig.
Supervisor Chris Lopez also finds this work important.
"This is the time of year when we all give thanks for the blessings and bounty in our life," Supervisor Lopez said. "Cal Water's Operation Gobble makes sure that those in need in our community don't go without. I continue to be thankful for their programs and contributions not just during the holidays, but year-round."
Representatives for Assemblymember Robert Rivas and State Senator Anna Caballero also assisted with the distribution. A total of 425 Butterball turkey certificates were distributed between local non-profit organizations chosen by the elected officials and Cal Water. Charities receiving either turkey vouchers or financial contributions included: YWCA of the Monterey County, Digital Nest, Hebbron Family Center, Boys & Girls Club of Monterey County, The Food Bank of Monterey County, Partners for Peace, Salvation Army of Salinas, Dorothy's Place, Loaves & Fishes, The Salvation Army of Soledad/King City, and Santa Lucia Rotary Food Drive.
Cal Water's Operation Gobble donations come from the utility's philanthropic giving program, not from water rates.