Cal Water comienza las mejoras en la infraestructura de agua en Salinas
Cal Water tiene programado iniciar el próximo mes dos mejoras en la infraestructura de agua que mejorarán la confiabilidad del suministro de agua y la protección contra incendios en Salinas. Crews will construct two new groundwater wells-the first of their kind in the region in more than a decade-to help increase water supply and system reliability for residents and businesses in southern and southeast Salinas.
These two new wells replace wells that have been out of service over the past few years due to declining natural water quality. They will provide water to existing customers and help meet customers' peak hourly and maximum daily demands. Cal Water will also install 100 feet of new water main to help each well deliver water to the existing water system. "Infrastructure improvements like these help Cal Water maintain a reliable water supply for both everyday and emergency needs, and they enable us to keep providing quality, service, and value to our customers," said Brenda Granillo, Salinas District Manager.
Construction on the two wells is expected to begin in September or October: one near the intersection of East Romie Lane and Alameda Avenue, and the other near the intersection of Harris Road and Abbott Street. Each will be built in two phases; the first four-month phase will be a well-drilling operation, which will mostly take place Monday through Friday during normal between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. Customers will be notified separately of any work that will need to take place after-hours. After the wells are constructed, there may be several months of standby time in which no active work will be completed onsite. During this time, the necessary equipment will be purchased before transitioning to the second phase of construction. During phase two, several improvements will take place including the construction of a concrete block building and installation of station piping; purchased equipment; onsite utilities; new sidewalk; and landscaping. Phase two will take place Monday through Friday between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Both projects are expected to be completed by December 2026, weather permitting.