Alertas de Cal Water

Las nuevas actualizaciones de infraestructura comienzan en Visalia

Está en curso la construcción de un proyecto de infraestructura de agua que mejorará la confiabilidad del suministro de agua y la protección contra incendios en Visalia.

Cal Water agregará un sexto tanque de almacenamiento de agua y una estación de refuerzo a su sistema, lo que ayudará a aumentar el suministro de agua a medida que continúa el crecimiento residencial en el noreste de Visalia. Construction on the one-million-gallon tank is expected to be completed and fully operational by October.

"Infrastructure improvements like this help Cal Water maintain a reliable water supply for both everyday and emergency needs," said Stephen Johnson, Cal Water's Visalia District Manager, noting that Cal Water also recently completed work on a 975,000-gallon water storage tank and booster station in downtown Visalia. That project was a major expansion of the system's capacity to provide water amid the peak demands of summer. "It's part of our commitment to delivering quality, service, and value to Visalia residents and businesses."

This new tank is being built on a two-acre site along McAuliff Street, by an existing well that Cal Water previously installed to increase water supply in step with residential growth in east Visalia. The site has more than enough room for another tank, as water demands increase in the future, Johnson said.

Most of the work is being done between 7:30 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, with no traffic issues anticipated during construction.

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