Alertas de Cal Water

Informe sobre asuntos ambientales, sociales y de gobernanza 2022

Company Reports on Progress Made Year Over Year

As part of its efforts to continue expanding and improving its environmental, social, and governance (ESG) program, California Water Service Group today released its annual ESG Report and ESG Analyst Download. The 2022 report details progress made across Group's subsidiaries last year on their relevant ESG focus areas, while the supplementary analyst download provides Group's key ESG data that it believes is relevant to the Company's stakeholders.

Highlights featured in the California Water Service Group ESG Report include both ongoing efforts to support the Company's ESG strategy and objectives along with significant, new achievements, such as:

  • An updated inventory of greenhouse gas emissions in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, plus a commitment to setting absolute, science-based Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions reduction targets by Q3 2024.
  • Investment of $328 million in infrastructure to improve resiliency, water quality, sustainability, and other needs, an increase of about $35 million over 2021.
  • More than $6.1 million invested in water conservation rebates and programs, which is estimated to help customers save about 180 million gallons of water annually, compared to 47.8 million gallons of water saved annually through 2021 rebates and programs.
  • Wildfire mitigation projects, such as the addition of more backup generators and clearance of fire breaks around key facilities.
  • Contribution of $1.58 million to charitable organizations that share Group's purpose to enhance the quality of life in its communities.
  • Local community events to help low-income customers take advantage of rate assistance and other programs.

"While doing the right thing has always been in our DNA, our ESG program helps us not only track our continued progress year after year, it also helps us more strategically expand our commitments to our customers, communities, employees, and stockholders," said Marty Kropelnicki, President and CEO. "I'm pleased to publish this year's ESG disclosures, as they showcase the strides we have made; however, we will not rest with these accomplishments but rather strive to keep doing more to provide quality, service, and value to our stakeholders."

Este comunicado de prensa incluye declaraciones prospectivas en concordancia con lo establecido por la Ley de Reforma de Litigios sobre Valores Privados de 1995 ("La Ley"). Tales declaraciones intentan tener la protección de lo dispuesto por las leyes de valores federales para los principios de "puerto seguro" establecidos por esta Ley. Dichas declaraciones se basan en información actualmente disponible, expectativas, estimaciones, presunciones y proyecciones y criterios de manejo sobre la Compañía, la industria de servicios públicos del agua y las condiciones económicas generales. Such words as will, would, seek, expects, intends, plans, believes, estimates, assumes, anticipates, projects, predicts, forecasts or variations of such words or similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Las declaraciones prospectivas no son garantías de acciones futuras. Las mismas están sujetas a los cambios e incertidumbre de las circunstancias. Los resultados reales pueden variar materialmente del contenido de las declaraciones prospectivas. Factors that may cause a result different than expected or anticipated include, but are not limited to: natural disasters, public health crises, pandemics, epidemics or outbreaks of a contagious disease, such as the outbreak of coronavirus (or COVID‐19); governmental and regulatory commissions' decisions, including decisions on proper disposition of property; consequences of eminent domain actions relating to our water systems; changes in regulatory commissions' policies and procedures; the timeliness of regulatory commissions' actions concerning rate relief and other actions; changes in water quality standards; changes in environmental compliance and water quality requirements; electric power interruptions; housing and customer growth trends; the impact of opposition to rate increases; our ability to recover costs; availability of water supplies; issues with the implementation, maintenance or security of our information technology systems; civil disturbances or terrorist threats or acts; the adequacy of our efforts to mitigate physical and cyber security risks and threats; the ability of our enterprise risk management processes to identify or address risks adequately; labor relations matters as we negotiate with unions; changes in customer water use patterns and the effects of conservation; the impact of weather, climate, natural disasters, and diseases on water quality, water availability, water sales and operating results, and the adequacy of our emergency preparedness; and, other risks and unforeseen events. Al considerar las declaraciones prospectivas, usted debe tener en cuenta las declaraciones preventivas que se incluyen en este párrafo, al igual que el informe anual 10-K, el informe trimestral 10-Q y otros informes presentados ocasionalmente ante la Comisión de Valores y Bolsa (SEC, siglas en inglés). La Compañía no asume ninguna obligación de proporcionar actualizaciones de las declaraciones prospectivas por medios públicos.

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